Woodland Scenic

Woodland Scenic C1253 Cut Stone Single Portal

Cut Stone Single Portal - Image 1
Escala: H0
Fabricante: Woodland Scenic
Código de produto: WSCC1253
Disponibilidade atual: disponível!
€17.79 ou 12100 pts.

Contém 23% de IVA
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Informação de base

Código do produtoWSCC1253
Adicionado ao catálogo:29.10.2024
FabricanteWoodland Scenic
Woodland Po Box 98 MO 65052 Linn Creek Estados Unidos
Entidade responsávelBachmann Europe Plc

Model cut stone tunnel portals on your HO scale layout. Color with Earth Colors™ Liquid Pigment.

Outside: 6 3/16 in W x 5 1/4 in H (15.7 cm x 13.3 cm) / Inside: 2 11/16 in W x 3 11/16 in H (6.82 cm x 9.36 cm)

Meets NMRA specifications


What color pigments do you suggest I use on Tunnel Portals and Walls to make them look realistic?

The photo of the Single Track Timber Portal, shown on the website is a good example of a realistic Tunnel Portal. We used Burnt Umber for the main color and then applied a wash using a thin solution of Black. You could also use Stone Gray  as an accent.

At what stage in building a layout are Tunnel Portals installed?

Tunnel Portals can be installed at various times throughout the layout modeling process. We recommend installing them after Plaster Cloth or Shaper Sheet Shaper Sheet Plaster has been applied. 
Tunnel Portals can also be installed throughout the landscaping process, making it easy to add them to an existing layout. Cut into the terrrain (if additonal room is needed for the portal) and install per package instructions. 

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Informação de base

ProdutorWoodland Scenic
Woodland Po Box 98 MO 65052 Linn Creek Estados Unidos
Entidade responsávelBachmann Europe Plc

Informações de segurança

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Nie przeznaczony dla dzieci poni¿ej 14 roku ¿ycia. U¿ywaæ pod nadzorem osoby doros³ej.
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Trzymaæ z daleka od zwierz±t.

Adicionado ao catálogo: 29.10.2024
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