Informação de base
Código do produto | PASEZ-STARTER |
Peso: | 0.26 kg |
Ean: | 026614130940 |
Adicionado ao catálogo: | 13.1.2006 |
Tags: | Aerografy Paasche-EZ |
Fabricante | Paasche Paasche Airbrush Company 9511 58th Place Kenosha WI 53144-7805 Estados Unidos |
Entidade responsável | PJB Hobby Sp. z o.o. Kozmice Wielkie 781 32-020 Wieliczka Polônia |
Paasche beginners kit for the first time user of an airbrush. Sprays oils and water-base materials.
Each set complete with the following items:
- airbrush (one size only),
- color bottle w/adapter,
- color bottle w/plastic cap,
- air hose w/couplings,
- 1/4" pipe adapter for attaching to air compressor,
- wrench
- valve for propellant cans
- eye dropper
Single Action Airbrushes
Unlike the double action where air and fluid controls are combined, these same controls are independent of each other with the single action airbrush. While one hand is releasing a pre-set amount of air by pressing down on the button, the other hand adjusts a separate control for color feed. Single action models are quick to learn and easy to use. They tend to be best for spraying solid coats, uniform lines or dots and stencil work. They clog less easily than the double action internal mix models and can spray slightly heavier paints.
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Opiniões dos nossos clientes
Informação de base
Produtor | Paasche Paasche Airbrush Company 9511 58th Place Kenosha WI 53144-7805 Estados Unidos |
Entidade responsável | PJB Hobby Sp. z o.o. Kozmice Wielkie 781 32-020 Wieliczka Polônia |
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